We are looking forward to another great year at Coolidge. To help facilitate this, we would appreciate your cooperation concerning the following policies and information.
1. Our school day begins at 8:00 am for Transitional Kindergarten - 5th grades. Dismissal times are: Transitional Kindergarten and Kindergarten at 1:40 pm; 1st, 2nd, 3rd grades at 1:55 pm; 4th and 5th grades at 2:30 pm.
Coolidge staff values your children's safety. There is no supervision before 7:30 am and after dismissal. For the safety of your children, please don't drop them off before 7:30 am and PLEASE pick them up promptly at their dismissal time.
Pick-up and drop-off of students from 1st - 5th grades is in front of the cafeteria on Roses Road. Transitional Kindergarten and Kindergarten drop-off and pick-up is at the Kindergarten Gate on Roses Road. For safety reasons, do not enter/exit through the staff parking lot gates!
2. In case of illness or other absence, please contact the school office by phone, (626) 282-6952, or email. Children should not come to school if they show signs of a cold or have an upset stomach.
It can't be stressed enough what a crucial role your child's regular attendance plays in his or her academic progress. Almost every moment in the classroom is spent on critical lessons and skills, and any loss of instructional time may result in the loss of key concepts and important knowledge.
3. Students not in their classroom after the bell are LATE and must sign-in at the office before going to class. Please make every effort to get your child to school on time so they doesn't miss any class instruction.
4. All parents must sign their child out from the office if child is to be dismissed at a time other than regular dismissal. Children will not be released to anyone except a parent or guardian and/or adult LISTED ON THE EMERGENCY CONTACTS.
5. Children are not allowed off the school grounds without permission from principal's office. Parents desiring to take their children out to lunch must notify the teacher in writing and sign the child out in the office.
6. Breakfast and hot lunches are provided daily in the cafeteria for free this school year.
7. We would prefer parents not take their children out of school for trips during the school year. But, for those parents who must, please notify the teacher and office 4 days in advance. Independent Study Contracts will be prepared for 5 or more days only. Upon completion of assignments and the contract signed, your child will be marked "Complete" on their attendance record.
8. Please mark all loose articles of clothing, lunch boxes and water bottles, plainly with your child's name. A lost and found area is provided in the cafeteria. A tremendous amount of unclaimed Lost and Found clothing is given away each year to charity. Encourage your child to check with the office in case of valuable lost articles such as wallets, watches, and money. The school is not responsible for lost items: we strongly advise that valuables (especially items with sentimental value) regularly be left at home. Please also leave all electronics at home. No toy weapons are allowed at Coolidge.
9. Students may ride bicycles to school. All bicycles must be properly licensed and locked when parked in the bicycle compound. Please exercise extreme caution in letting first and second-graders ride their bikes to school. It is the law that all students wear bike helmets.
10. The parking lot south of the office is for faculty parking only. Please do not use or block the driveway.
11. There is no bus service for Coolidge students (except for special education students).
12. For safety purposes, children should use the crosswalk at the corner of Roses Road and Mission Drive where there is a crossing guard.
13. Cell phones and other electronic communication devices are not to be used during the school day. If there is an emergency, please contact the main office at 626-282-6952. Students are not to make any kinds of audio or visual recordings outside of a classroom setting.
14. While we do not have a school uniform, please ensure that students are dressed appropriately. Shoes should be closed back and closed-toed. Undergarments should remain covered. Please be sure that images or graphics on clothing are school-appropriate. Clothes should be free of images depicting, alcohol, tobacco, drugs, weapons, or violence.